Reset a sensor token

If you lose a sensor's token, it is possible to reset it.

Resetting a sensor's token lets you create a new token in cases where the sensor isn't sending traffic to Vantage. For example, if you are trying to complete a connection to a new sensor, and misplaced its token, you can reset the token and use the new value.
  1. In the top navigation bar, select Sensors.
    Note: If you haven't added a sensor yet, Vantage opens the Make connections page where you can add one. If you have previously added a sensor, all the sensors that Vantage recognizes show.
  2. In the table, find the applicable sensor.
  3. Select the sensor to view its details.
  4. Select Actions > Reset Token.
    The message When you confirm to Reset Token, you need to update the settings on your sensors or you will lose connectivity shows.
  5. Select Confirm Reset Token.
    Vantage resets the token and displays its new value. Use this value to configure the connection again.
    Note: If Vantage loses contact with a sensor, resetting its token and reconnecting the sensor can sometimes restore communication.
    Note: If a sensor is correctly communicating with Vantage, resetting the token severs the connection. To reconnect the sensor, generate a new token and configure the sensor the sensor again.