
The Wireless page lets you buy and connect a Guardian Air sensor. Once you have connected one or more Guardian Air sensor, the Wireless page show the connected Guardian Air sensors.

First use

If you open the Wireless page, but you have not previously connected a Guardian Air sensor, you will see a view similar to the one below.

Figure 1. Wireless page (before a Guardian Air sensor has been added)

Wireless page (before a Guardian Air sensor has been added)

Buy a Guardian Air wireless sensor

This section lets you buy your first Guardian Air sensor, and learn more about Guardian Air.

Connect your Guardian Air sensor

Once you have purchased one or more Guardian Air sensors, this section lets you connect it.

After you have connected a Guardian Air sensor

Once you have connected one or more Guardian Air sensors, you will see a view similar to the one below.

Figure 2. Wireless page (after a Guardian Air sensor has been added)

Wireless page (after a Guardian Air sensor has been added)