
The Alerts page shows all the alerts notifications that your sensors pass to Vantage related to security incidents in your network. This page lets you learn about the alerts, edit their values and post comments.

Figure 1. Alerts page

Alerts page


This shows a list of all the sites in the current table view.


This shows a list of all the appliance types in the current table view.


This shows a list of the different statuses that are applicable for the alerts in the current table view.


This shows a list of the different names that are applicable for the alerts in the current table view.


This shows a list of the different risk levels that are applicable for the alerts in the current table view.


This shows a list of the different protocols that are applicable for the alerts in the current table view.

Time groups

The Time groups button displays a throughput view of the data over a given time period.


The Columns button lets you select which of the available columns for the current page will show.


The Refresh icon lets you immediately refresh the current view.


The Live toggle lets you change live view on, or off. When live mode is on, the page will refresh periodically.