Protocol passive decryption

Nozomi Networks offers tools to decrypt network protocols and apply standard deep packet inspection (DPI) to the decrypted communication. Depending on the specific protocol, different constraints and configuration steps are applicable.

Table 1. Protocol passive decryption
Protocol References Credential type Enablement steps
dlms IEC 62056 DLMS encryption key
  1. In the Credentials Manager, enter the credentials.
  2. In the /data/cfg/n2os.conf.user file, add this line:
    credentials enable dlms-cosem true
  3. As a privileged user from a shell, run the command:
    service n2osids stop
iec104s IEC 60870-5-7 RSA-signed certificate private key See Configure IEC-62351-3.
IEC 62351-5
IEC 62351-3
r-goose IEC 62351-6 R-GOOSE encryption key In the Credentials Manager, enter the credentials. This happens through an integration to a IEC 62351-9 GDOI Key Distribution Center.
IEC 62351-9
RFC 6407
snmpv3 RFC 5590 SNMP privacy password
  1. In the Credentials Manager, enter the credentials.
  2. In the /data/cfg/n2os.conf.user file, add this line:
    credentials enable snmp3 true
  3. As a privileged user from a shell, run the command:
    service n2osids stop
RFC 3414