Configure Time Machine

In this section we will configure the Nozomi Networks Solution Time Machine functionality.

Set snapshot interval

Products CMC, Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure tm snap interval <interval_seconds>
Description Set the desired interval between snapshots, in seconds.
Parameters interval_seconds: The amount of seconds between snapshots (default: 3600, minimum: 3600)
Where CLI
To apply service n2osjobs stop

Enable or disable automatic snapshot for each alert

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure tm snap on_alert [true|false]
Description It can enable (option true) or disable (option false) the possibility to take a snapshot on alert. By default snapshots are taken only for VI alerts; it is possible to explicitly set the alerts that will trigger automatic snapshots via on_alert_trigger
Where CLI
To apply service n2osjobs stop

Configure how alerts trigger automatic snapshots

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure tm snap on_alert_trigger <json_value>

Configures the alert triggers for automatic snapshots. The JSON object must have the following attribute:

type_ids - A JSON array of the alert type IDs that will trigger an automatic snapshot. These type IDs may be literals or wildcarded ones (the asterisk can be used to match any substring).

For example, the following command will configure the system to automatically take a snapshot whenever a VI:NEW-NODE or VI:NEW-LINK alert occurs:

conf.user configure tm snap on_alert_trigger {"type_ids": ["VI:NEW-NODE", "VI:NEW-LINK"]}

As a second example, the command below will configure the system to take a snapshot on all VI or SIGN alerts:

conf.user configure tm snap on_alert_trigger {"type_ids": ["VI:*", "SIGN:*"]}

Parameters json_value: A JSON object describing the alert automatic snapshot triggers (default: {"type_ids": ["VI:*"]})
Where CLI
To apply service n2osjobs stop

Set maximum number of network elements allowed in a diff

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure tm diff max_results_network_elements <num_elements>
Description When comparing time machine snapshots that are too different, it is possible to overtax the system resources (memory, CPU). By setting a limit on the number of network elements that are allowed to be reported in a diff, the system is protected by such effects. When this threshold is crossed, the diff job is aborted and the appropriate error message is shown to the user.
Parameters num_elements: Maximum number of network elements that may be reported by a diff (default: 10000)
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically