Configure Garbage Collector
This section describes how to configure the Environment Garbage Collector (GC). The Garbage Collector lets the system discard nodes, assets, and links that are no longer useful, thus saving system resources.
Clean up old ghost nodes
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc old_ghost_nodes <seconds> |
Description | Set the threshold after which idle nodes that are also not confirmed and not learned are discarded by the garbage collector. NOTE: in Adaptive Learning, the GC works also if nodes are learned, since they all are. |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which cleanup occurs (the default is 3600, the equivalent of one hour). |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |
Clean up old public nodes
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc old_public_nodes <seconds> |
Description | Determines how long to keep public nodes that are inactive. Expressed in seconds. |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which cleanup occurs (default is 259200, the equivalent of three days). |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |
Clean up old inactive nodes
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc old_inactive_nodes <seconds> |
Description | Determines how long to keep nodes that are inactive. Expressed in seconds. Inactivity is calculated as the difference between the current time and the last activity time. Note: When a node that has been deleted by the garbage collector appears again in the network it will be considered new, as a consequence, according to the learning mode, an alert could be raised. For a better result, use Adaptive Learning and choose a reasonably long interval for this setting. |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which cleanup occurs (by default it's disabled). |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |
Clean up old inactive links
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc old_inactive_links <seconds> |
Description | Determines how long to keep links that are inactive. Expressed in seconds. Inactivity is calculated as the difference between the current time and the last activity time. Note: When a link that has been deleted by the garbage collector appears again in the network it will be considered new, as a consequence, according to the learning mode, an alert could be raised. For a better result, use Adaptive Learning and choose a reasonably long interval for this setting. |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which cleanup occurs (by default it's disabled). |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |
Clean up old ghost links
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc old_ghost_links <seconds> |
Description | Determines how long to wait before removing inactive ghost links. A ghost link is one that has not shown any application payload since its creation. This could be a connection attempt whose endpoint is not responding on the specified port; or it could be a link with a successful handshake but without application data transmitted (in this case, transferred data would still be greater than 0). |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which cleanup occurs (by default it's disabled). |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |
Clean up old inactive variables
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc old_inactive_variables <seconds> |
Description | Determines how long to keep variables that are inactive. Expressed in seconds. Inactivity is calculated as the difference between the current time and the last activity time. Note: When a variable that has been deleted by the garbage collector appears again in the network it will be considered new, as a consequence, according to the learning mode, an alert could be raised. For a better result, use Adaptive Learning and choose a reasonably long interval for this setting. |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which cleanup occurs (by default it's disabled). |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |
Clean up old sessions
Product | Guardian |
Syntax | conf.user configure vi gc sessions_may_expire_after <seconds> |
Description | Determines how long to wait before a session is considered stale and it's resources may be collected. Expressed in seconds. |
Parameters | seconds : Number of seconds after which clean up may occur. By default, set to 100 seconds. |
Where | CLI |
To apply | It is applied automatically |