Configure slow updates

In this section we show how to configure a sensor for receiving firmware updates from an upstream sensor at a determined speed. This option is suitable for those scenarios where a limited bandwidth is available, and a normal firmware update procedure would result in a timeout. For example, one may want to configure a remote collector constrained by a 50Kbps bandwidth to receive the updates at 24Kbps. This configuration will prevent the saturation of the communication channel and thus it will allow to send data traffic while receiving an update.

Enable or disable slow update

Products CMC, Guardian, Remote Collector
Syntax software_update_slow_mode [true|false]
Description This is a global switch that enables (true) or disables (false) the feature. When the feature is disabled all the other switches are ignored.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Set the transfer chunk size

Products CMC, Guardian, Remote Collector
Syntax software_update_slow_mode_chunk_size <size_in_bytes>
Description The update bundle is split into multiple fixed-sized chunks. Chunks are individually transmitted, verified and reassembled. In case of a failed delivery, only invalid chunks are retransmitted. Essentially, big chunks are more suitable for high-speed networks, while smaller chunks are to be preferred for more effective bandwidth limitation.
Parameters size_in_bytes: the chunk size in bytes. Values are normalized to stay in the range [128, 10485760]. Default value is 4096.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Set the transfer speed

Products CMC, Guardian, Remote Collector
Syntax software_update_slow_mode_max_speed <speed_in_bps>
Description Sets the maximum allowed speed for update transfer.
Parameters speed_in_bps: The maximum allowed speed in bytes per second. Values lower than 1024 are normalized to 1024. The default value is 4096. Notice that small chunks add some slight overhead, so generally the transfer speed will remain consistently below the declared limit.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically