A trace is a sequence of packets saved to the disk in the PCAP file format. The number of
packets in a trace is fixed, this way when a trace of N packets is triggered Guardian starts
to write to disk the N/2 packets that were sniffed before the trace was triggered, after
that it tries to save another N/2 packets and then finalize the write operation, at this
point the trace can be downloaded. To avoid a trace being pending for too much time there is
also a timeout, when the time expires the trace is saved also if the desired number of
packets has not been reached.
Trace files are stored in directory /data/traces, which employs disk based storage.
In order to improve performance though, in machines with larger memory configurations this
directory is backed by RAM based storage.
Figure 1. A schematic illustration of the trace saving process
Set max trace packets
conf.user configure trace trace_size <size>
The maximum number of packets that will be stored in the trace file.
The maximum number of PCAP files to keep on disk, when this number is exceeded the oldest traces will be deleted.
Both automatic alert traces and user-requested traces are included. This is a runtime machine setting used for
self protection prevailing on the retention settings as described in the Configuring retention section
value: Default value 100000
To apply
It is applied automatically
Set minimum free disk percentage
conf.user configure trace min_disk_free <percent>
The minimum percentage of disk free under which the oldest traces will be deleted. If the traces directory is
memory backed, this configuration cannot be overridden and the default value will always be used.
percent: Default value 10 if traces storage is disk backed, 5 if memory backed. Enter without % sign
The maximum traces occupation on disk in bytes. If the traces directory is memory backed, this configuration cannot
be overridden and the default value will always be used.
max_occupied_bytes: Default value is half of disk size if traces storage is disk backed, 95% of available space if memory backed