Basic configuration rules

Set traffic filter

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure bpf_filter <bpf_expression>
Description Set the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) filter to apply on incoming traffic to limit the type and amount of data processed by the sensor.
Parameters bpf_expression: the Berkeley Packet Filter expression to apply on incoming traffic. A BPF syntax reference can be accessed on the sensor at https://<sensor_ip>/#/bpf_guide
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Enable or disable management filters

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure mgmt_filters [on|off]
Description With this rule you can switch off the filters on packets that come from/to N2OS itself. Choose 'off' if you want to disable the management filters (default: on).
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Enable or disable TCP/UDP deduplication

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe deduplication enabled [true|false]
Description It can enable or disable the deduplication analysis that N2OS does on TCP/UDP packets. it can be either true, to enable the feature, or false, to disable it. (default: true)
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Set TCP deduplication time delta

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe deduplication tcp_max_delta <delta>
Description Set the desired maximum time delta, in milliseconds, to consider a duplicated TCP packet.
Parameters delta: The value of the maximum time delta (default: 1)
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Set UDP deduplication time delta

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe deduplication udp_max_delta <delta>
Description Set the desired maximum time delta, in milliseconds, to consider a duplicated UDP packet.
Parameters delta: The value of the maximum time delta (default: 1)
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Rename fallback zones

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi zones default [private|public] <zone_name>
Description Set the private or public fallback zone name, for nodes not matching any zone. Details on zones feature can be viewed in the Graph page in Network.Remark: zones can be configured through the GUI, which is the preferred way. Refer to Zone configurations, in the Administrator Guide.
Parameters zone_name: the name of the private or public fallback zone
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Add Zone

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi zones create <subnet>[,<subnet>] <zone_name>
Description Add a new zone containing all the nodes in one or more specified subnetworks. More subnetworks can be concatenated using commas. The subnetworks can be specified using the CIDR notation (<ip>/<mask>) or by indicating the end IPs of a range (both ends are included: <low_ip>-<high_ip>). Remark: zones can be configured through the GUI, which is the preferred way. Refer to Zone configurations, in the Administrator Guide.
  • subnet: The subnetwork or subnetworks assigned to the zone; both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported
  • zone_name: The name of the zone
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Assign a level to a zone

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi zones setlevel <level> <zone_name>
Description Assigns the specified level to a zone. All nodes pertaining to the given zone will be assigned the level. Remark: zones can be configured through the GUI, which is the preferred way. Refer to Zone configurations, in the Administrator Guide
  • level: The level assigned to the zone
  • zone_name: The name of the zone
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set the nodes ownership for a zone

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi zones setis_public [true|false] <zone_name>
Description Sets the specified nodes ownership for a zone. It can be either true, for public ownership, or false, for private ownership. All nodes belonging to the given zone are overwritten inheriting the value. Remark: zones can be configured through the GUI, which is the preferred way. Refer to Zone configurations, in the Administrator Guide
Parameters zone_name: The name of the zone
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Assign a security profile to a zone

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi zones setsecprofile [low|medium|high|paranoid] <zone_name>
Description Assigns the specified security profile to a zone. The visibility of the alerts generated within the zone will follow the configured security profile. Refer to Security profile, in the Administrator Guide.
Parameters zone_name: The name of the zone
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Add custom protocol

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe custom-protocol <name> [tcp|udp] <port>
Description Add a new protocol specifying a port and a transport layer. Names shall always be unique, so when defining a custom protocol both for udp and tcp, use two different names.
  • name: The name of the protocol, it will be displayed through the user interface; DO NOT use a protocol name already used by N2OS. E.g. one can use MySNMP, or Myhttp
  • port: The transport layer port used to identify the custom protocol
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Disabling a protocol

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe protocol <name> enable false
Description Completely disables a protocol. This can be useful to fine tune the sensor for specific needs.
Parameters name: The name of the protocol to disable
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Set IP grouping

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe ipgroup <ip>/<mask>
Description This command permits to group multiple ip addresses into one single node. This command is particularly useful when a large network of clients accesses the SCADA/ICS system. To provide a clearer view and get an effective learning phase, you can map all clients to a unique node simply by specifying the netmasks (one line for each netmask). Configure trace will still show the raw IPs in the provided trace files. Warning: This command merges all nodes information into one in an irreversible way, and the information about original nodes is not kept.
Parameters ip/mask: The subnetwork identifier used to group the IP addresses
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console, execute both: service n2osids stop AND service n2ostrace stop

Set IP grouping for Public Nodes

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe ipgroup public_ips <ip>
Description This command permits to group all public IP addresses into one single node (for instance, use as the 'ip' parameter). This command is particularly useful when the monitored network includes nodes that have routing to the Internet. The Configure trace, will still show the raw IPs in the provided trace files. Warning: This command merges all nodes information into one in an irreversible way, and the information about original nodes is not kept.
Parameters ip: The ip to map all Public Nodes to
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console, execute both: service n2osids stop AND service n2ostrace stop

Skip Public Nodes Grouping for a subnet

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe ipgroup public_ips_skip <ip>/<mask>
Description This is useful when the monitored network has a public addressing that has to be monitored (i.e. public addressing used as private or public addresses that are in security denylists).
Parameters ip/mask: The subnetwork identifier to skip
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console, execute both: service n2osids stop AND service n2ostrace stop

Set special Private Nodes allowlist

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi private_ips <ip>/<mask>
Description This rule will set the is_public property of nodes matching the provided mask to false. This is useful when the monitored network has a public addressing used as private (e.g. violation of RFC 1918).
Parameters ip/mask: The subnetwork identifier to treat as private; both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Set GUI logout timeout

Products CMC, Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure users max_idle_minutes <timeout_in_minutes>
Description Change the default inactivity timeout of the GUI. This timeout is used to decide when to log out the current session when the user is not active.
Parameters timeout_in_minutes: amount of minutes to wait before logging out. The default is 10 minutes.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Enable Syslog capture feature

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe protocol syslog capture_logs [true|false]
Description With this configuration rule you can enable (option true) the passively capture of the syslog events. It is useful when you want to forward them to a SIEM, for more details see Syslog forwarder integration in the Administrator Guide.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Enable Guardian HA

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure guardian replica-of <other_guardian_id>
Description With this configuration rule you can enable the Guardian HA mode for two Guardians that sniff the same traffic and are connected to the same CMC. During normal operations, only the primary Guardian syncs with the CMC; if it stops synchronizing the secondary Guardian will start synchronize the records from the last primary Guardian update. This rule should only be configured on the secondary sensor.
Parameters other_guardian_id: The id of the other Guardian, it can be found on the CMC with the query appliances | where host == <appliance_hostname> | select id
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Disabling Vulnerability Assessment for some nodes

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure va_notification matching [id|label|zone|type|vendor]=<value> discard

With this configuration rule you can disable Vulnerability Assessment for node matching the specified rules. The effect of this configuration rule is to discard the matching of CVE identifiers. The types are as follows.

  • id: the id of a node, it can be an IP address, a netmask in the CIDR format or a MAC address.
  • label: the label of a node.
  • zone: the zone in which a node is located.
  • type: the type of a node.
  • vendor: the vendor of a node.
  • value: If a simple string is specified the match will be performed with an "equal to" case-sensitive criterion. The matching supports two operators:
  • ^: starts with
  • '[': contains

These operators must be specified right after the = symbol and their match is case-insensitive.


  • va_notification matching id= discard
  • va_notification matching id= discard
  • va_notification matching label=^abc discard
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osva stop

Enabling IPv6 Assets

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi ipv6_assets [enabled|disabled]
Description With this configuration rule you can enable assets generation also when nodes are IPv6. By default, this feature is disabled.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Change the maximum percentage of Variables in the Network Elements pool

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi machine_limits_variables_quota <n>
Description With this configuration rule you can change the maximum percentage of Variables in the Network Elements pool, the default is 0.6 meaning that no more than 60% of Network Elements can be Variables.
Parameters n: the percentage of variables expressed as a number from 0.0 to 1.0, e.g. vi machine_limits_variables_quota 0.7
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Tuning Backend Web Server workers

Products CMC, Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure http_workers <n>
Description With this configuration rule you can change the number of Ruby Web Server workers. With a higher workers count the CMC/Guardian can handle more Web UI requests concurrently, at the expense of increased memory footprint.
Parameters n: The new number of workers
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service webserver stop

Configure how Threat Intelligence contents are handled

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi contents <json_value>

This command configures how Threat Intelligence contents are to be loaded. The JSON object can have the following attributes:

  • load_contents - this can be true/false to enable/disable the loading of contents;
  • stix_backend_provider - selects the engine to be used for STIX indicators: 'memory' (indicators are stored in memory - default) or 'db' (indicators are stored in the system database). With 'db', the application memory requirements become lower, but STIXv1 (XML) indicators are not supported;
  • loaded_content_types - this is a JSON array of contents to be loaded.

Contents available are:

  • stix_indicators

As an example, the following command will completely disable contents loading:

conf.user configure vi contents { "load_contents": false }

As a further example, the following command will allow only stix_indicators rules to be loaded:

conf.user configure vi contents { "loaded_content_types": [ "stix_indicators" ] }

As another example, the following command will configure the usage of the system database for storing STIX indicators related information, reducing the application memory footprint:

conf.user configure vi contents { "stix_backend_provider": "db" }

Parameters json_value: A JSON object to configure how Threat Intelligence contents are loaded
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Configure which files detected on the networks are sent to sandbox

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi sandbox_extraction <json_value>

The json object can have the following attributes: * disabled_protocols - A JSON array of protocol that are disabled with regards files detection * enabled_protocols - A JSON array of protocol that are enabled with regards files detection * disabled_file_extensions - A JSON array of file extensions that are disabled with regards files detection * enabled_file_extensions - A JSON array of file extensions that are enabled with regards files detection

  • json_value: A json object to configure the handling of the detected files.


To apply

In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop