Port scan incident

In this section we will configure the parameters of a Port Scan Incident.

The detection is enabled by default and an incident is raised when more than 6 correlated alerts are triggered, independently from their creation time.

For example, we can configure the parameters for the Port Scan Incident with the following command, where we identify the minimum number of alerts for the incident to be triggered, and the maximum time interval in milliseconds in which they need to occur:

       conf.user configure alerts incidents portscan {"min_alerts": 25, "max_time_interval": 1500}

Configure the port scan incident

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure alerts incidents portscan <json_obj>
Description Configure the port scan incident by providing the configuration in a JSON object.
Parameters json_obj: JSON object containing the keys 'min_alerts' and 'max_time_interval', which are respectively the minimum number of alerts which trigger the detection and the maximum time interval in which they need to occur.
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osalert stop