Configure variables

Enable or disable default variable history

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi variable default history [enabled|disabled]

Set if the variable history is enabled or not, when not set it's disabled. The amount of the history maintained can be configured in "Variable history retention" section in Configure retention.

Note: Enabling this functionality can negatively affect Guardian's performance, depending on the amount of variables and the update rate.

Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Enable or disable variable history

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi variable <var_key> history [enabled|disabled]

Define the amount of samples shown in the graphical history of a variable. Set if the variable history is enabled or not, when not set it's disabled.

The amount of the history maintained can be configured in "Variable history retention" section in Configure retention.

Note: Enabling this functionality can negatively affect Guardian's performance, depending on the amount of variables and the update rate.

  • var_key: The variable identifier
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable label

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi variable <var_key> label <label>
Description Set the label for a variable, the label will appear in the Process sections
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • label: The label displayed in the user interface
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable unit of measure

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi variable <var_key> unit <unit>
Description Set a unit of measure on a variable.
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • unit: The unit of measure displayed in the user interface
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable offset

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi variable <var_key> offset <offset>
Description The offset of the variable that will be used to map the 0 value of the variable.
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • offset: The offset value used to calculate the final value of the variable
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable scale

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi variable <var_key> scale <scale>
Description The scale of the variable that is used to define the full range of the variable.
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • scale: the scale value used to calculate the final value of the variable
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable last update check

Product Guardian
Syntax set vi variable <var_key> :check_last_update <seconds>
Syntax remove vi variable <var_key> :check_last_update :delete
Description Set the last update check on a variable, if the variable value is not updated for more than the specified seconds an alert is raised
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • seconds: The timeout after which a stale variable alert will be raised
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable quality check

Product Guardian
Syntax set vi variable <var_key> :check_quality <seconds>
Syntax remove vi variable <var_key> :check_quality :delete
Description Set the quality check on a variable, if the value quality remains invalid for more than the specified seconds an alert is raised
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • seconds: The maximum amount of consecutive seconds the variable can have an invalid quality
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set variable to alert on quality

Product Guardian
Syntax set vi variable <var_key> :alert_on_quality <quality>
Syntax remove vi variable <var_key> :alert_on_quality :delete
Description Raise an alert when the variable has one of the specified qualities. Possible values are: invalid, not topical, blocked, substituted, overflow, reserved, questionable, out of range, bad reference, oscillatory, failure, inconsistent, inaccurate, test, alarm. Multiple values can be separated by comma.
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • quality: The alert quality
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set a variable critical state

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure cs variable <id> <var_key> [<|>|=] <value>

Define a new custom critical state on a single variable that will raise on violation of defined range.

For instance, if the > operator is specified, the variable will have to be higher than value to trigger the critical state.

  • id: A unique ID for this critical state
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • value: The variable value to check for
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Set a multiple critical state

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure cs multi <id> variable <ci> <var_key> [<|>|=] <value>[ ^ variable <ci> <var_key> [<|>|=] <value>]
Description Creates a multi-valued critical state, that is an expression of "variable critical states", described above. The syntax is and AND (^) expression of the single-variable critical state.
  • id: A unique ID for this critical state
  • ci: Enumerate the variables c1, c2, c3, ..., etc
  • var_key: The variable identifier
  • value: The variable value to check for
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Control variables extraction at the protocol level

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure probe protocol <name> variables_extraction [disabled|enabled|advanced|global]

It allows the application of a variable extraction policy different from the global policy on a protocol basis. Note that if the Global policy is set to Disabled, it prevails on any protocol-specific setting. However, protocol specific policies prevail.

Choices are whether variables extraction is disabled, enabled, enabled with advanced heuristics (advanced) or if it should inherit the global policy (global)

  • name: The name of the target protocol
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Control variables extraction at the global level for all zones

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi variables_extraction [disabled|enabled|advanced|global]

Same as for the protocol level variables extraction, except it sets the policy for the global level.

Choices are whether variables extraction is disabled, enabled, enabled with advanced heuristics (advanced) or if it should inherit the global policy (global)

Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Control variables extraction at the global level for specific zones

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi variables_extraction [disabled|enabled|advanced|global] <zones>

Same as for the protocol level variables extraction, except it sets the policy for the global level for the specified zones.

Choices are whether variables extraction is disabled, enabled, enabled with advanced heuristics (advanced) or if it should inherit the global policy (global)

  • zones: Name of the zones for which the extraction should be enabled. If unspecified, the extraction is enabled for all the zones. and values are separated by a comma; for example: [plant1,plant2] or [zone1,zone2,zone3]. Brackets are required
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.