Configure links

Set link last activity check

Product Guardian
Syntax set vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :check_last_activity <seconds>
Syntax erase vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :check_last_activity :delete
Description Set the last activity check on a link, an alert will be raised if the link remains inactive for more than the specified seconds
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs of the two nodes involved in the communication
  • protocol: The protocol
  • seconds: The communication timeout
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set link persistency check

Product Guardian
Syntax vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :is_persistent [true|false]
Description Set the persistency check on a link, if a new handshake is detected an alert will be raised
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs of the two nodes involved in the communication
  • protocol: The protocol
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set link alert on SYN

Product Guardian
Syntax vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :alert_on_syn [true|false]
Description Raise an alert when a TCP SYN packet is detected on this link
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs of the two nodes involved in the communication
  • protocol: The protocol
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set link to track availability

Product Guardian
Syntax set vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :track_availability <seconds>
Syntax erase vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :track_availability :delete
Description Notify the link events when the link communication is interrupted or resumed.
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs of the two nodes involved in the communication
  • protocol: The protocol
  • seconds: Interval to checking if the link is available or not
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Delete link

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi link <ip1> <ip2> :delete
Description Delete a link
Parameters ip1, ip2: The IPs identifying the link
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Delete protocol

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> :delete
Description Delete a protocol from a link
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs identifying the link
  • protocol: The protocol of the link to delete
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Learn function code

Product Guardian
Learn ids configure vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> fc <func_code>
Learn or Unlearn ids configure vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> fc <func_code> is_learned [true|false]
Description Learn or unlearn a function code from a protocol
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs identifying the link
  • protocol: The protocol of the link
  • func_code: The function code to be learned or unlearned
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Delete function code

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi link <ip1> <ip2> <protocol> fc <func_code> :delete
Description Delete a function code from a protocol
  • ip1, ip2: The IPs identifying the link
  • protocol: The protocol of the link
  • func_code: The function code to be deleted
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Enable link_events generation

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi link_events [enabled|disabled]
Description Enable or disable the generation of link_events records, this feature can have an impact on performance, enable it carefully
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Disabling the persistence of links

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi persistence skip_links true
Description With this configuration rule you can disable the persistence of links, thus saving disk space in cases with a large number of links.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Enable link ports collection for the specified set of protocols

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi enable_link_ports <protocol_name>[,<protocol_name>]
Description For enabled protocols, the set of source and destination ports found in the underlying sessions is collected and shown as links attributes (from_ports and to_ports). By default enabled only on unrecognized protocols (i.e. links named other). If the command is used, the total list of protocols to be enabled shall be specified (and so including other too if applicable).
  • protocol_name: The name of the protocol to enable
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Set max number of collected link ports

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi max_link_ports <max_collected_ports>
Description When the ports collection is enabled for links, sets the maximum number of collected ports for each link.
Parameters max_collected_ports: The maximum number of collected ports for each link. Default 32. Max 128.
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically