Configure nodes

Set node label

Product Guardian
Syntax set ids configure vi node <ip> label <label>
Syntax erase ids configure vi node <ip> label

Set the label to a node, the label will appear in the Graph, in the Nodes, in the Process > Variables

  • ip: The IP address of the node
  • label: The label that will be displayed in the user interface


To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Set default live traffic label formatting

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi default_node_live_label <operation>[:<param>][,<operation>[:<param>]]
Description The default formatting operation(s) applied to labels coming from live traffic. More operations can be applied sequentially. See also the "Set protocol-specific live traffic label formatting" configuration for details
  • operation: The operation to apply
  • param: The specific operation parameter
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Set protocol-specific live traffic label formatting

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi node_live_label <protocol> <operation>[:<param>][,<operation>[:<param>]]
Description Protocol-specific formatting operation(s) applied to labels coming from live traffic. More operations can be applied sequentially.

protocol: The name of the protocol

operation: The operation to apply. There are several operations categories:

  • Invalid character replace operations (the default param is ' '):
    • utf8: only printable utf8 characters
    • ascii: only printable ascii characters
    • alnum: only alphanumeric characters a-zA-Z0-9
    • alnum_underscore: only alnum + underscore
  • String operations:prefix: it keeps only the prefix of a string identified by param. The default param is '.'
  • Validation operations:
    • strict: checks if the label is changed from it's first value or, if present, from the last mark operation. If changed, the label will be set to empty
    • mark: resets the strict history to the current operation (the label will not be changed)

param: The specific operation parameter as above.

For an example, see the table below.

Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Operations Input label Output label Comment
utf8:- lab¿1 ¿test¿. lab-1 -test-. The utf8 operation replaces not allowed characters with the set parameter '-'
alnum test1 test1 Unchanged because all characters are valid
alnum lab,1 lab 1 The alnum operation replaces a not allowed character
alnum,strict lab,1 The strict operation detects a change between the initial input 'lab,1' and the alnum output 'lab 1', the label is cleared
alnum,mark,utf8, strict lab,1 lab 1 The mark operation sets alnum output (lab 1) as default, for the following strict operation. The utf8 operation has not effect, and strict detects no changes so has no effect either
prefix host_n The prefix operation keeps only the hostname part

Set node Device ID with priority

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi node <ip> device_id_with_priority <device_id>;<priority>
Description Adds the Device ID to the set of node Device IDs. The final Device ID, used for node grouping under Assets is the one with the highest priority
  • ip: The IP address of the node
  • device_id: The device id
  • priority: the priority of the Device ID. If missing, it will be se to the lowest priority value
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Override node Device ID

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi node <ip> device_id_override <device_id>
Description Adds the Device ID to the set of node Device IDs, giving it the maximum priority value. This Device ID will be used for node grouping under Assets
  • ip: The IP address of the node
  • device_id: The device id (with the maximum priority)
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Enable or disable node

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi node <ip> state [enabled|disabled]
Description This directive permits to disable a node. This setting has effect in the graph: a disabled node will not be displayed.
Parameters ip: The IP address of the node
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically
Note You can also change this configuration from the Web UI.

Enable or disable same ip node separation

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure check_multiple_macs_same_ip enable [true|false]

This directive permits to enable the separation of L3 nodes with same IP but different MAC address. The nodes with the desired IP addresses will be treated as L2 nodes and appear as distinct assets. If the nodes already exist as L3 nodes upon the application of the configuration, they will be deleted and the new logic will start to execute with empty statistics.

The values of true or false enables, respectively disables, the feature.

Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Configure same ip node separation

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure check_multiple_macs_same_ip ip <ip_address>
Description Selects the ip of the nodes which should be separated as per the strategy described in the previous box.
Parameters ip_address: The IP of the node to be configured
Where CLI
To apply In a shell console execute: service n2osids stop

Delete node

Product Guardian
Syntax ids configure vi node <ip> :delete
Description Delete a node from the environment
Parameters ip: The IP of the node to delete
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically

Define a cluster

Product Guardian
Syntax conf.user configure vi cluster <ip> <name>

This command permits to define an High Availability cluster of observed nodes. In particular, this permits to: accelerate the learning phase by joining the learning data of two sibling nodes, and to group nodes by cluster in the graph.

  • ip: The IP of the node
  • name: The name of the cluster
Where CLI
To apply It is applied automatically