Upstream connection

A description of the Upstream connection section of the General page.

Figure 1. Upstream connection

Upstream connection


The Upstream connection section has a toggle that lets you choose between:
  • ON, or
  • OFF

A Check connection button lets you check to see if the pairing between the Central Management Console (CMC) and the sensor is valid.

The Use proxy connection checkbox lets you connect to the CMC through a proxy server.

Host (CA-Emitted TLS Certificate)

This field is for the host address of the CMC. The protocol used will be hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS).

A toggle lets you choose between:
  • Optional, or
  • Required
You can set this toggle to Required if certificate authority (CA)-emitted certificates are used.

Sync token

The sync(hronization) token is necessary to authenticate the connection. The pair of tokens can be generated from the CMC.