General settings

The General settings section lets you choose the context for the CMC, how sensors will be updated, and navigation settings.

Figure 1. General settings

General settings

CMC context

This section has a toggle that lets you choose between two contexts:
  • Multicontext
  • All-In-One

Multicontext: is the default setting, and is suitable for most environments. Multicontext indicates that the data gathered from the sensors connected to the Central Management Console (CMC) will be collected and kept separately. In Multicontext mode, the user can focus on a single Guardian to access their data in their separate contexts. This is the default operational mode and it permits the highest scalability and supports multitenancy, which is ideal for Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)s.

All-In-One: indicates that the information will be merged. In All-In-One mode, the user gets a unique, merged Environment section. This configuration is recommended for smaller and cohesive environments.

The Alerts and Assets pages are common to both modes.

Sensor update policy

This section has a toggle that lets you choose between:
  • Update sensors
  • Do not update sensors

This determines whether the sensors connected to the CMC will automatically receive updates when a new version of the software is available.

The Let the user perform the update on the sensors toggle lets you choose between:
  • Yes, or
  • No

Remote access to connected sensors

This section has a toggle that lets you choose between:
  • Allow, or
  • Deny
This lets you allow, or deny, the remote access to a sensor through the current CMC.