Detailed list

The Detailed list page shows a list of all the vulnerabilities and their related details.

Figure 1. Detailed list page

Detailed list page


This shows a list of all the sites that are applicable for the vulnerabilities in the current table view.


This shows a list of all the different categories that are applicable for the vulnerabilities in the current table view.


This shows a list of the different probabilities that have been confirmed for all the vulnerabilities in the current table view. When a vulnerability is not confirmed, it will show as Possible.


This shows a list of the different likelihoods that are applicable for the vulnerabilities in the current table view. This is a numerical assessment of the possibility that this vulnerability exists on an asset. It is measured on a scale from 0.1 to 1.0, where 1.0 is the most likely.


The Columns button lets you select which of the available columns for the current page will show.


The Refresh icon lets you immediately refresh the current view.


The Live toggle lets you change live view on, or off. When live mode is on, the page will refresh periodically.