Complex field types

Single scalar values

To query single scalar values, apply the commands that are explained in this section.


Objects show in braces: {object}
"source": "ARP",
"likelihood": 1,
"likelihood_level": "confirmed"
An example on how to query only confirmed media access control (MAC) addresses.
Note: Possible values are:
  • confirmed
  • likely
  • not confirmed
Since mac_address:info is an object, you can access subfields like mac_address:info.likelihood_level to apply the where condition:
nodes | select mac_address:info mac_address:info.likelihood_level | where mac_address:info.likelihood_level == confirmed
Since N2OS 24.1 is possible to access complex objects with a different syntax that is compatible with Vantage, using the / operator, the query specified above becomes:
nodes | select mac_address:info/likelihood_level | where mac_address:info.likelihood_level == "confirmed"

Note that also the "confirmed" literal can now be quoted and the query can be executed in Vantage without any change.


Note: For example, a parent in the alerts table.
Arrays show in braces: {array}

An example on how to only query alerts that have a parent incident, with a known incident id with the value: d36d0

Since the parents field is an array, you can use expand first to get an entry for each parent, then apply your condition:
alerts | expand parents | where expanded_parents include? d36d0

Object arrays

Note: For example, function_codes in the links table.
Object arrays are a combination of the above examples. Therefore, they show an object included in a [{..},{..},.. ] :
"name": "M-SEARCH",
"is_learned": true,
"is_fully_learned": true

An example on how to query learned function codes.

Since function_codes is an object array, you can use expand first, to get an entry for each function code, then use the . operator (function_code.is_learned) to apply your where condition:
links | select from to protocol function_codes | expand function_codes | where expanded_function_codes.is_learned == true