
Functions are always used in conjunction with other commands, such as select. In the following examples, functions are shown in bold:
  • Combining functions with select: nodes | select id type color(type)
  • Combining functions with where: nodes | where size(label) > 10
  • Combining functions with group_by: nodes | group_by size(protocols)
Here is the complete list of functions:
Syntax abs(<field>)
  • the field on which to calculate the absolute value
Description The abs function returns the absolute value of the field
Syntax bitwise_and(<numeric_field>,<mask>)
  • numeric_field: the numeric field on which apply the mask
  • mask: a number that will be interpreted as a bit mask
Description The bitwise_and function calculates the bitwise & operator between the numeric_field and the mask entered by the user
Syntax coalesce(<field1>,<field2>,...)
  • a list of fields or string literals in the format "<chars>"
Description The coalesce function will output the first value that is not null
Syntax color(<field>)
  • field: the field on which to calculate the color
Description The color function generates a color in the rgb hex format from a value
Note Only available for nodes, links, variables and function_codes
Syntax concat(<field1>,<field2>,...)
  • a list of fields or string literals in the format "<chars>"
Description The concat function will output the concatenation of the input fields or values
Syntax date(<time>)
  • time defined as unix epoch
Description The date function returns a date from a raw time
Syntax day_hour(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The day_hour function returns the hour of the day plus the sensor's local time offset from UTC, i.e. a value in the range 0 through 23. Be careful when accounting for daylight saving time. Use day_hour_utc when absolute precision is desired
Syntax day_hour_utc(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The day_hour_utc function returns the hour of the day expressed in UTC for the current time field, i.e. a value in the range 0 through 23
Syntax days_ago(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The days_ago function returns the amount of days passed between the current time and the time field value
Syntax dist(<field1>,<field2>)
  • the two fields to compute the distance on
Description The dist function returns the distance between field1 and field2, which is the absolute value of their difference
Syntax div(<field1>,<field2>)
  • field1 and field2: the two field to divide
Description The div function will calculate the division field1/field2
Syntax hours_ago(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The hours_ago function returns the amount of hours passed between the current time and the time field value
Syntax is_empty(field) == true | false
  • field: the field to check to evaluate whether it is empty or not
Description The is_empty command takes a field as input and returns only the entries that are either empty / not empty.
Example nodes | where is_empty(label) == false
Syntax is_recent(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The is_recent function takes a time field and returns true if the time is not farther than 30 minutes
Syntax minutes_ago(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The minutes_ago function returns the amount of minutes passed between the current time and the time field value
Syntax mult(<field1>,<field2>,...)
  • a list of fields to multiply
Description The mult function returns the product of the fields passed as arguments
Syntax round(<field>,[precision])
  • field: the numeric field to round
  • precision: the number of decimal places
Description The round function takes a number and outputs the rounded value
Syntax seconds_ago(<time_field>)
  • time_field: the field representing a time
Description The seconds_ago function returns the amount of seconds passed between the current time and the time field value
Syntax split(<field>,<splitter>,<index>)
  • field: the field to split
  • splitter: the character used to separate the string and produce the tokens
  • index: the 0 based index of the token to output
Description The split function takes a string, separates it and outputs the token at the <index> position
Syntax sum(<field>,...)
  • a list of fields to sum
Description The sum function returns the sum of the fields passed as arguments