
An example query to join two data sources to obtain a new data source with more information. In particular, how to list the links with the labels for the source and destination nodes.

You can match the from field of the links with the id field of the nodes to ask for the links, and join them with the nodes:
links | join nodes from id

After executing the query above you will get all the links fields, plus a new field called joined_node_from_id, it contains the node which satisfies the link.from == condition. You can use the dot syntax to access the sub fields of joined_node_from_id

Because we also want to get the labels for the to field of the links you add another join and exclude the empty labels of the node referred by to to get more interesting data:
links | join nodes from id | join nodes to id | where joined_node_to_id.label != ""
This will obtain a huge amount of data, which is difficult to understand. To only get the relevant information, you can use a select:
links | join nodes from id | join nodes to id | where joined_node_to_id.label != "" | select from joined_node_from_id.label to joined_node_to_id.label protocol
Figure 1. Join example

Join example