
The Groups page shows a list of all the user groups.

Figure 1. Groups page

Groups page

Authorization policies

User groups define authorization policies. Each group includes a:

  • List of allowed features
  • Filter to enable visualization of just specific node subsets

When a user belongs to a group, the user can only:

  • Perform the operations that the group allows
  • See the nodes that the group node filter defines

A user can belong to several groups and will inherit the authorizations of those groups. When a user belongs to multiple groups, any node that satisfies the filter of any group is visible, and its features are available.

Two group types have predefined authorization policies:

  • Administrators: All features are available
  • Authentication Only: Only the authentication feature is available

When a group is neither Administrators nor Authentication Only, the allowed features (sections) can be enabled/disabled individually.

Note: After a reboot, the local default admin of the Web user interface (UI) will automatically be recreated (within the default admin’s user group) if it has been deleted, or if it doesn't exist. This is to make sure that a user cannot mistakenly delete it.
Note: We recommend to have at least one group without admin privileges. Therefore, after a reboot, if a user group with no admin privileges doesn't exist, a guests user group will be created automatically, without a user in it.

Live / refresh

The Live icon lets you change live view on, or off. When live mode is on, the page will refresh approximately every five seconds.


This lets you add a new group.

Import from Active Directory

This lets you import a group from Active Directory.

Import from LDAP server

This lets you import a group from a lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) server.