Nozomi Networks supports security assertion markup language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO) authentication.

Figure 1. SAML page

SAML page


Your identity provider (IdP) must be compatible with security assertion markup language (SAML) 2.0.

The SAML configuration process is often error-prone. To implement SAML integration you should be familiar with:
  • The SAML protocol
  • Your IdP software
  • The exact details of your specific IdP implementation

Additional configuration

Typically, SAML with authentication, replies are sent back from the same host that originally received the request. Occasionally, SAML requests are chained between different IdPs, and replies might come from a different host. By default, the Web user interface (UI) content security rules block these types of replies.

You can use the using the csp form-action-urls configuration key to override this behavior.

To accept replies from an IdP single sign-on (SSO) target uniform resource locator (URL) that differs from the one specified in the SAML metadata, you can issue the configuration rule: conf.user configure csp form-actionurls <additional_url> in the command-line interface (CLI).

If you need to specify more than one URL, you should use spaces to separate them. After this change, you need to run the service webserver stop command, in a shell console to apply it.

Clock skew

Occasionally, the IdP and Guardian system times can differ. By default, the system accepts requests with up to 60 seconds difference. You can use the saml clock_drift configuration key to override this behavior.

To change the value, you can issue conf.user configure saml clock_drift <allowed_seconds> in the CLI.

After this change, you can run the service webserver stop command in a shell console to apply it.


The SAML logout protocol is not supported.