Commands syntax

The example commands given in this documentation are for Microsoft Windows. Some of these commands are the same in other operating systems (OS), but when a procedure is specific to a different OS, the correct syntax for that OS is used.

To convert a standard Windows command into a Linux or macOS command, you need to follow the standard operating system (OS) syntax rules and apply them to the correct executable name.

The format of the executable name is:
  • <arc-os-architecture>.exe (Windows)
  • <arc-os-architecture> (Linux and macOS)
Table 1. Command examples
Command example (for install) OS Architecture
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe install Windows windows icon amd64
./arc-linux-amd64 install Linux linux icon amd64
./arc-linux-arm64 install Linux linux icon arm64
./arc-linux-arm install Linux linux icon arm
./arc-darwin-amd64 install macOS mac OS icon icon amd64
./arc-darwin-arm64 install macOS mac OS icon icon arm64