Configure SMTP settings

If you want to send emails that contain scheduled reports, you need to configure the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server settings.

  1. In the top navigation bar, select icon > Reports.
    The Reports page opens.
  2. Select Settings.
    The Settings page opens.
  3. In the SMTP Server section, set the toggle to ON.

  4. In the To URI field, enter the host URI information. For example, HOST[:PORT][/ID]
  5. In the Sender field, enter the sender identification information.
  6. To use encryption, select the STARTTLS checkbox.
    Note: If you do not select this option, reports will be sent without encryption.
  7. To start the authentication process, choose an Authentication Mechanism:
    • PLAIN
    • LOGIN
    Note: The default setting is PLAIN.
  8. If you chose LOGIN, enter your credentials.
    1. In the Username field, enter your username.
    2. In the Password field, enter your password.
  9. Select Save.
Emails for scheduled reports that have email recipients will now be sent at the next scheduled occurrence.