
You can use the Nozomi Networks Query Language (N2QL) syntax to create complex data processes to obtain, filter, and analyze lists of information from the Nozomi Networks software.

Data sources

Queries start by calling a data source. For example:
nodes | sort received.bytes desc | head
This query will show, in table format, the first 10 nodes that received the most bytes. If you add the pie command at the end of the query, the results will show in a pie chart format, where each slice has node id as the label and the received.bytes field as data.
For example:
nodes | sort received.bytes desc | head | pie ip received.bytes
Figure 1. Queries example

Queries example


You might not achieved your desired result just using queries. Consequently, query syntax supports functions. With functions, you can apply calculations to the fields and use the results as a new temporary field. For example, the query:
nodes | sort sum(sent.bytes,received.bytes) desc | column ip sum(sent.bytes,received.bytes)
uses the sum function to sort on the aggregated parameters, which produces a chart with the columns representing the sum of the sent and received bytes.


The $ is a prefix that changes the interpretation of the right hand side (rhs) of a where clause. By default, the rhs is interpreted as a string. With the $ prefix, the interpretation of the rhs changes to a field name.

For example, in a query such as:
nodes | where id ==
the right side of the == is expected to be a constant. If you create a query such as:
nodes | where id == id
the query tries to match all of the nodes having id equal to the string id.
If, however, you use the $, the second field is interpreted as a field, not a constant:
nodes | where id == $id
and returns the full list of records.