Magic wand

The magic wand icon opens a wizard to help filter the graph and view only the desired information to help you reduce visualized data from large graphs.

The graph wizard gives hints to help you improve the graph performance. Settings that are annotated with an orange exclamation point are considered suboptimal. Settings annotated with green thumbs are considered helpful.

Figure 1. Magic wand dialog
Magic wand dialog

Show broadcast

Broadcast addresses are not actual network nodes in that no asset is bound to a broadcast address. They are used to represent communications that a node uses towards an entire subnet. Removing broadcast nodes reduces the complexity of a graph.

Only with confirmed data

You can select this to hide unconfirmed links to reduce the complexity of an entangled graph.

Only confirmed nodes

You can select this to hide unconfirmed nodes to reduce the size of a large graph.

Exclude tangled nodes

To improve the readability of the graph, you can select this to exclude nodes whose connections cause the graph to be too complex.


This dropdown lets you filter nodes and edges to show only those items that are communicating with the related protocol(s).