Graph controls

A list of the different control options in the graph view.

Move Click and drag anywhere in the graph other than on a node.
Zoom (mode 1) With the cursor positioned inside the graph window, scroll the mouse forward or backward. Zoom is centered on the mouse position.
Zoom (mode 2) With the cursor positioned inside the graph window, press Z on the keyboard and move the mouse up or down. Zoom is centered on the mouse position.
Increase icon and text size. Select the icon.
Decrease icon and text size. Select the icon.
View detailed information for a node or link in the information pane. Select a node or link with a single click
Show a new window with additional information for a node Select a node with a double click
Show a node or link Move your mouse over the node or link
Show a node or link, and the elements directly connected to it Click and hold your mouse button on a node or link without releasing it