Main network graph

The main network graph shows a graphical representation of the nodes in your environment.


This icon lets you export a portable document format (PDF) report which contains the graph, as it is currently shown on the page.


This icon opens the legend for link and nodes based on the selected perspective.
Figure 1. Legend



This indicates active graph filtering, when present. Filters can be from the filter bar (see R and S below), or activated from the zone/topology graph when you select a link/node in the zone/topology graphs. Once a filter is enabled with a value, the graph is automatically updated. If more than one filter is enabled, then a logical and criteria is applied. Only nodes that satisfy all of the specified filters are shown.

Note: If a node passes the filters, then all of the directly connected nodes are shown in the graph. For example if a specific internet protocol (IP) filter is used, then the specified node is shown along with all the nodes connected to it.


This resets customizations and reloads the data.

Live / refresh

The Live icon lets you change live view on, or off. When live mode is on, the page will refresh approximately every five seconds.


These icons let you select an activity time range.

For more details, Magic wand.


This dropdown lets you select node visualization configuration options.


This dropdown lets you configure visualization options.


This dropdown lets you select a layout for the graph. For more details, see Layout.


The pause-play icon lets you pause, or restart the motion of the graph.

Increase-Decrease icon size

The increase and decrease icons lets you change the size of the icons in the graph.