Alert configuration settings

Source IP Enter the internet protocol (IP) address of the source that you want to filter.
Destination IP Enter the IP address of the destination that you want to filter.
Source MAC Enter the media access control (MAC) address of the source that you want to filter.
Destination MAC Enter the MAC address of the destination that you want to filter.

Match IPs and MACs in both directions

Select this if you want to select all the communications between two nodes (IP or MAC) independently of their role in the communication (source or destination).

Source Zone Enter the zone of the source that you want to filter.
Destination Zone Specify the zone of the destination that you want to filter.
Type ID

The type ID of the alert, this field is precompiled if you create a new modifier from an alert in the Alerts page.

Trigger ID

Unique identifier corresponding to the specific condition that has triggered the alert.

Protocol Enter the protocol that you want to filter.
Note Enter free-form text that describes details of the alert rule.
Execute action Select an action to perform on the matched alerts:
  • Mute: Switch ON/OFF: to mute or not the alert
  • Mute until: Specify a date until which the alert will be muted
  • Change Security Profile visibility: Set to ON to force the visibility of the selected alert type for any selected profile, or to OFF to hide it for any selected profile. Useful for extending or reducing the default provided security profiles as needed
  • Change risk: Set a custom risk value for the alert
  • Change trace filter: Define a custom trace filter to apply to this alert

  • Assign playbook: Define a playbook to be attached to the matching alerts. The playbook to be attached has to be selected from the list of available playbook templates


Set a custom priority; when multiple rules trigger on an alert, the rule with the highest priority applies. Normal is the default value if no selection is made.