Alert tuning

The Alert tuning page lets you customize the alert behavior. Specifically, you can impose conditions on one, or many, fields to match criteria. This feature can be selectively enabled for specific user groups.

Figure 1. Alert tuning page

Alert tuning page

Execution policy

As alert rules can be propagated from upstream connections, conflicts between rules are possible. A conflict is detected when multiple rules, performing the same action, match an alert. To deal with these collisions, the execution algorithm takes into consideration the source of the rules. The user can choose three policies:
  • upstream_only: alert rules are managed in the top Central Management Console (CMC), or with Vantage. Creation and modification are disabled in the lower-level sensors. Only the rules received from upstream are executed
  • upstream_prevails: in case of conflicts, rules coming from upstream are executed
  • local_prevails: in case of conflicts, rules created locally are executed

A special case is represented by the mute action. Consider the following example: the execution policy is local_prevails and a mute rule is received by Guardian from an upstream connection. This rule will be ignored if at least one local rule matches the alert. Conversely, with the execution policy set to upstream_prevails, local mute will be ignored if at least one rule coming from upstream matches the alert.

Live / refresh

The Live icon lets you change live view on, or off. When live mode is on, the page will refresh approximately every five seconds.

Export all

Use this to export all the items from the table.


This lets you import alert rules.

Note: The maximum file size is 2 gigabyte (GB). The supported file type is .nozomi_alert_rules.

+ Add

This lets you add and configure an alert.