External Storage

The external storage integration uploads files to an external machine. This enables the external machine to keep remote copies of files that are kept beyond the retention settings.

The file location becomes transparent to the user, who can retrieve them seamlessly from external storage when the files are removed from the local file system. You can also choose a connection protocol for storing the files. Available protocols are server message block (SMB), file transfer protocol (FTP), and secure shell (SSH).

Important: Microsoft operating system (OS)s are the only OS that support the SMB connection protocol. Compatibility with third-party devices is not guaranteed. These devices might require additional configuration changes, that include:
  • Permission changes
  • The creation of new network shares
  • The creation of new users
Kerberos authentication is not supported.

This functionality is currently only available for trace packet capture (pcap) files on Guardian.

Figure 1. External Storage dialog

External Storage dialog