
This integration enables seamless forwarding of node and asset data to a Tanium instance, facilitating centralized management and enhanced visibility within your network.

You can select How this integration works to view additional details.

Note: If the Tanium instance does not have a valid signed hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) certificate authority (CA), users must add an ! before the uniform resource locator (URL). For example, !
Note: Nodes are sent, not assets.
Note: Nodes are sent regardless of whether media access control (MAC) addresses are confirmed or not (all nodes).
Note: If integrating with the Central Management Console (CMC), use All-In-One mode. This is because multicontext a CMC does not have nodes.
Figure 1. Tanium dialog

Tanium dialog

Receive assets

The integration can be configured to receive asset data from Tanium. When configuring the integration to receive data, it is important to ensure that only one integration at a time is designated to interact with a specific endpoint. This means that if you have an integration set to receive data from an endpoint, another integration should not be set to send data to that same endpoint. This will help to avoid potential conflicts, or data inconsistencies.

Send assets

The integration can be configured to send asset data to Tanium. When configuring the integration to send data, it is important to ensure that only one integration at a time is designated to interact with a specific endpoint. This means that if you have an integration set to send data to an endpoint, another integration should not be set to receive data to that same endpoint. This will help to avoid potential conflicts, or data inconsistencies.