Generate a report

You can generate both scheduled, or on-demand, reports, in multiple file formats.


  1. In the top navigation bar, select icon > Reports.
    The Reports page opens.
  2. Select Management.
  3. In the section on the left, select the report that you want to generate.
  4. In the top right, select Generate Report.
    A dialog shows.
  5. In the Report type section, choose a format for the report:

  6. In the Report execution section, choose the type of execution:
    • On-demand
    • Scheduled
  7. If you chose On-demand, select Save.
    The report starts to generate. When the generation is complete, the report will show in the Generated page.
  8. If you chose Scheduled, do the steps below.
    1. In the Recurrence (server time) section, enter the settings that you want.

    2. Optional: In the User defined name field, enter a name for the report.
    3. Optional: In the Email recipients (comma separated) field, enter the email addresses of the people that you would like to receive the reports.
    4. Optional: If necessary, select the Include only Alerts following Security Profile [Applies to widgets only] checkbox.


The report has been generated, or scheduled, as applicable.