
An overview of the most impactful changes in this release.

Guardian and CMC reports

Starting with Nozomi Networks Operating System (N2OS) 24.3.0, it will no longer be possible to create new reports with a network graph or export portable document format (PDF) reports that contain a network graph. This is because of an internal component that can no longer be maintained.

On-premise license expiration behavior

The license expiration process has been improved to increase clarity and alignment with industry best practices. These changes affect how license expiration status is communicated within the N2OS interface.

New Behavior:

  • When your license is more than three months away from expiration, no status indicators will be displayed in the user interface (UI)
  • Within three months of expiration, a banner status indicator will indicate that your license is Expiring. Additionally, the notification on the Updates and Licenses page will show your license status as Expiring along with the expiration date
  • When the expiration date is reached, a banner status indicator and a notification on the Updates and Licenses page will indicate that your license has Expired, accompanied by a message indicating whether you are in the grace period or not
  • Once the grace period is over, your security system will cease its main functions, allowing users access only to historical data

Additional Information:

  • Please note that Nozomi Networks and all Channel Partners aim to proactively reach out to customers to initiate license renewals discussions before any expiration messages appear
  • We advise against waiting for license expiration warnings to begin the process of renewing your software licenses

New integration for storing continuous traces

The new External Storage integration feature allows for seamless configuration of continuous trace requests, ensuring uninterrupted monitoring and data capture. This functionality supports storing trace data directly in external storage systems, preserving local resources for primary monitoring tasks. Users can configure trace requests to continuously send generated data to their chosen external storage, ensuring that all trace information is reliably stored and easily accessible for future analysis. This enhancement guarantees that trace data is accurately captured and maintained, providing a robust and efficient solution for comprehensive trace management across various storage environments.

Granular synchronization tuning for process variables

Users now have the flexibility to choose whether process variables present in Guardians to synchronize up to their All-In-One Central Management Console (CMC)s using the new, granular synchronization tuning settings. This feature allows for precise control over synchronization preferences, enabling users to optimize performance and efficiency based on their specific needs.

Broadcast IP addresses are no longer classified as assets

This enhancement eliminates the previous situation where broadcast internet protocol (IP) addresses were treated as assets, resulting in a more accurate and reliable logical model of your network. Each device in your network, identified by its unique IP address, will be accurately represented, ensuring that only physical devices with associated IP addresses are grouped into assets.