Correction to Release Notes

A correction to the text which was in the Release Notes for version 24.0.0

Original Release Notes excerpt from N2OS version 24.0.0

Deprecation of some languages in UI

In a future version of Nozomi Networks Operating System (N2OS), we will be remove the following language options from our user interface (UI):
  • Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Vietnamese, and
  • Korean

Maintaining excellence in these languages has become increasingly challenging, and it is against our core values to offer anything that fails to meet the very highest of standards.

We will continue to offer support for all languages that we can maintain at the highest level. We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause, and we appreciate your understanding.


In a future version of N2OS, we will be remove the following language options from our UI:

  • Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Vietnamese, and
  • Korean


After receiving feedback from our customers, we have re-evaluated our approach to content localization support. At this time, we have no plans to drop support for the following language options from our UI:

  • Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Vietnamese, and
  • Korean