
  • When viewing a snapshot in Time Machine, the Live toggle is no longer displayed.
  • Guardian no longer stores alerts that are not visible under the currently selected security profile. The previous behavior (i.e., invisible alerts are kept in the database, but hidden) can be restored by using the `conf.user configure alerts save_invisible_alerts true`.
  • The N2OS User Manual's "Remote Collector" chapter now includes instructions for setting the time zone.
  • The Updates & Licenses page now shows whether the base and FIPS licenses were provided by Vantage.
  • The N2OS User Manual now includes details about both SSH transfer options; also clarified that the example uses the SCP command.
  • Fixed an issue that caused memory footprint spikes when cleaning up database entities for retention.
  • The N2OS User Manual's "Queries" chapter now describes more suffix modifiers; see the "Basic Operators" section.
  • The WinRM Smart Polling strategy can now retrieve vendor, model, and BIOS serial number.
  • The N2OS User Manual SDK's section about sec_profile_visible now also describes incidents.
  • Added the capability of specifying the TCP ports that SmartPolling uses to poll SSH servers.
  • Playbooks are now introduced also in N2OS. Users can: create playbooks using markdown syntax, associate them to specific alerts, edit them also from the alert instance, and manage them both from Guardian and from the CMC as the rest of alert tuning.
  • Smart Polling can now actively scan Sewio UWB devices, gather their information, and generate the corresponding CPEs.
  • When closing alerts as changes using a table filter, Guardian now indicates that the action will only affect learnable alerts (VI alerts).
  • The Graph's clustered layout is no longer a "beta" feature.
  • The Smart Polling supported strategies have been re-organized and enabled for better Progressive Mode plans automatic configuration.
  • Improved the behavior of two services: Reduced the volume of log entries generated by the n2osjobs service; now, only task runs that perform a change log their execution. Reduced the interval on which the rrdcached service writes data to disk.
  • Improved the documentation about changing a password. See the N2OS User Manual for details.
  • Improved the mapping for custom OIDs in the Smart Polling SNMP strategy.
  • Added the ability for users to switch between the previous and the new UI navigation bar.
  • The N2OS login page has been redesigned.
  • Smart Polling now supports Progressive SNMP strategies.
  • N2OS now manages Arc licenses for a cumulative number of sensors.
  • Smart Polling can now autonomously poll nodes through UPnP using progressive mode.
  • Smart Polling in Time Machine no longer displays execution-related UI elements.
  • Improved the robustness of trace handling when N2OS is operating under load.