Updates in this release - 23.0.0

This section discusses important changes in this current release that may require additional steps after this upgrade.

New product in the Nozomi solution: Arc

Nozomi Arc has been introduced as new product, including the needed support for N2OS. The N2OS user now can: install an Arc license both at CMC and Guardian level. Deploy Arc sensors automatically from the Arc > Arc deployment section. Manage the status and health of Arc sensors from the Sensors page. See data coming from Arc as part of the standard Network View, Asset View, and in a dedicated Node Points tab under the Arc menu. See what nodes were discovered by Arc via new values in the Capture Device field. Import an offline Arc data archive from the Import page. See alerts natively coming from Arc like SIGN:USB-DEVICE, SIGN:MALICIOUS-HID, and SIGN:SIGMA-RULE. See more contextual data on existing alert types involving nodes having Arc installed, such as the logged in users in such nodes.

Support for VMware ESXi

N2OS versions 23.0.0 and later do not support ESXi versions lower than 7.0. No deployments of Nozomi Networks virtual machines will be eligible for support on ESXi versions lower than 7.0. Additional information can be found in the release notes of version 22.6.2.

RUGGEDCOM sensors cannot support N2OS 23.0.0

N2OS 23.0.0 stability on RUGGEDCOM sensors doesn't match our quality standard. There's a probability the Sensor can remain stuck on reboot, because of this N2OS version 23.0.0 do not support RUGGEDCOM sensor. We are actively working with Siemens to resolve the current behavior as soon as possible. Additional information can be found in the release notes.

Palo Alto Networks End of Life

Because Palo Alto Networks versions 8.1, 9.0, and 10.0 have reached their end of life, Nozomi does no longer support this product in version 23.0.0 and higher. Nozomi supports and recommends Palo Alto Networks implementation version 10.1 or higher. For details, please see Palo Alto Networks community post: https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/blogs/prepare-for-end-of-life-pan-os-and-migrate-to-latest-pan-os/bc-p/462398#:%7E:text=PAN-OS