MSI file configuration from a shell

A description of how to execute a Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) from a shell.

The Microsoft Documentation describes how to execute an Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) from a shell:
  • Install Arc : msiexec /i "" /L*v "installer.log"
  • Uninstall Arc : msiexec /x "" /L*v "installer.log"

To execute msiexec from powershell preserving arguments use --%, example: msiexec --% /i "" /L*v "installer.log"

You can pass custom arguments to the setup installer by settings ARGS prop: msiexec /i "" /L*v "installer.log" ARGS="--mode=silent"

Supported arguments list:
  • --mode=[silent|gui] (Select if start setup in GUI mode or in silent mode.)
  • --acceptLicense=true (If set skips license (EULA) acceptance, mandatory for silent mode.)
  • --endpoint=<ip address of guardian or vantage>
  • --token=<token to connect to guardian>
  • --installDeps=[all|sysmon|usbpcap|npcap|psscriptblocklogging] (It supports multiple values separated by "," Example: sysmon,usbpcap,npcap
  • --uninstallDeps=[all|sysmon|usbpcap|npcap|psscriptblocklogging] (Same as above.)
  • --sysmonPath=<path of> (To be used to provide the path of sysmon installed, otherwise it will be downloaded from guardian/vantage or from Microsoft. It is required to install an old version of sysmon (Windows 7).)
  • --rebootIfRequired=false (It will not reboot the machine if required.)
  • --createShortcutIcon=false (This will not create a desktop shortcut.)
  • --startArcService=false (It will not install/start arc service.)