Arc licenses
Before you can deploy and use Arc, you will need to buy a license. How Arc licenses are installed will depend on the existing installation that you have. Arc and Arc Embedded require separate licenses.
If you buy an Arc license for a Guardian installation, you will need to install the license. The Arc license enabled in Guardian provides for the Arc sensors that are downstream.
When the licensed Arc sensors are all connected and allowed, additional sensors can be added, but in a disallowed state. Disallow some sensors to allow the new ones.

Without the update service, you will need to download the new package from the Support Portal and install the update manually.
If you buy an Arc license for a Vantage installation, Vantage will act as a license server, and no other action is necessary. As soon as this license is active, Vantage is ready to accept incoming Arc sensor connections. All Arc updates will happen automatically, through any combination of Central Management Console (CMC) and Guardian sensors downstream.
When the licensed Arc sensors are all connected, in order to connect more sensors you will need to buy additional licenses.
If you buy an Arc license for a CMC installation, you will need to install the license. The Arc license enabled in CMC provides for the Arc sensors that are downstream, either through one Guardian, or multiple Guardian sensors.