Data sources

These are the available data sources with which you can start a query.

alerts Raised events
appliances Downstream connected sensors synchronizing data to this, local one
assertions Assertions saved by the users. An assertion represents an automatic check against other query sources
assets Identified assets. Assets represent a local (private), physical system to care about, and can be composed of one or more Nodes. Broadcast nodes, grouped nodes, internet nodes, and similar cannot be Assets accordingly
audit_log System’s log for important operational events, e.g., login, backup creation, etc.
captured_files Files reconstructed for analysis
captured_logs Logs captured passively over the network
captured_urls URLs and other protocol calls captured over the network. Access to files, requests to DNS, requested URLs and other are available in this query source
cpe_items CPE maps definitions
cve_files CVE definitions
dhcp_leases IP to Mac bindings due to the presence of DHCP
function_codes Protocols' function codes used in the environment
health_log System's Health-related events, e.g. high resource utilization or hardware-related issues or events
link_events Events that can occur on a Link, like it being available or not
links Identified links, defined as directional one-to-one associations with a single protocol (i.e. source, destination, protocol)
microsoft_hotfixes Microsoft hotfix information
node_cpe_changes Common Platform Enumeration changes identified over known nodes. On the event of update of a CPE (on hardware, operating system and software versions), an entry in this query source is created to keep track of software updates or better detection of software
node_cpes Common Platform Enumeration identified on nodes (hardware, operating system and software versions)
node_cves Common Vulnerability Exposures: vulnerabilities associated to identified nodes' CPEs
node_points Data points extracted over time, via Smart Polling or via Arc, from monitored Nodes
node_points_last node_points last samples per each included data point
nodes Identified nodes, where a node is an L2 or L3 (and above) entity able to speak some protocol
packet_rules Packet rules definitions
protocol_connections Identified protocol handhsakes/connections needed to decode process variables
report_files Generated report files available for consultation
report_folders Generated report folders
sessions Sessions with recent network actvity. A Session is a specific application-level connection between nodes. A Link can hold one or more Session at a given time
sessions_history Archived sessions
sigma_rules Sigma rules definitions
sp_executions Executions of Smart Polling plans
sp_node_executions Results of Smart Polling plans executions per node
stix_indicators STIX definitions
subnets Identified network subnets
threat_models Threat Modeling definitions
trace_requests Trace requests in processing
variable_history Process variables' history of values
variables Identified process variables
yara_rules Yara rules definitions
zone_links A list of protocols exchanged by the defined zones
zones Defined network zones