
Syntax select <field1> <field2> ... <fieldN>
  • the list of field(s) to output
Description The select command takes all the input items and outputs them with only the selected fields
Syntax exclude <field1> <field2> ... <fieldN>
  • the list of field(s) to remove from the output
Description The exclude command takes all the input items and outputs them without the specified field(s)
Syntax where <field> <==|!=|<|>|<=|>=|in?|include?|start_with?|end_with?|in_subnet?> <value>
  • field: the name of the field to which the operator will be applied
  • operator
  • value: the value used for the comparison. It can be a number, a string, or other data type. Advanced operators can use other data types, such as:
    • a list (using JSON syntax) when using the in? operator, for example: nodes | where ip in? [""]
    • another property when using the '$' symbol, for example: nodes | where ip != $id
Description The where command will send to the output only the items which fulfill the specified criterion, many clauses can be concatenated using the boolean OR operator
  • nodes | where roles include? consumer OR zone == office
  • nodes | where ip in_subnet?
  • <value> can also be another <field>, as in:

    links | where from_zone == $to_zone | select from_zone to_zone

Syntax sort <field> [asc|desc]
  • field: the field used for sorting
  • asc|desc: the sorting direction
Description The sort command will sort all the items according to the field and the direction specified, it automatically understands if the field is a number or a string
Syntax group_by <field> [ [avg|sum] [field2] ]
  • field: the field used for grouping
  • avg|sum: if specified, the relative operation will be applied on field2
Description The group_by command will output a grouping of the items using the field value. By default the output will be the count of the occurrences of distinct values. If an operator and a field2 are specified, the output will be the average or the sum of the field2 values
Syntax head [count]
  • count: the number of items to output
Description The head command will take the first count items, if count is not specified the default is 10
Syntax uniq [<field1> <field2> ... <fieldN>]
  • an optional list of fields on which to calculate the uniqueness
Description The uniq command will remove from the output the duplicated items
Syntax expand <field>
  • field: the field containing the list of values to be expanded
Description The expand command will take the list of values contained in field and for each of them it will duplicate the original item substituting the original field value with the current value of the iteration
Syntax expand_recursive <field>
  • field: the field to be recursively expanded
Description The expand_recursive command will recursively parse the content of field, expanding each array or json structure until a scalar value is found. It generates a new row for each array element or json field. For each new row, it duplicates the original item substituting the original field value with the current value of the iteration and adding a new field that represents the current iteration path from the root
Syntax sub <field>
  • field: the field containing the list of objects
Description The sub command will output the items contained in field
Syntax count
Description The count command outputs the number of items
Syntax pie <label_field> <value_field>
  • label_field: the field used for each slice label
  • value_field: the field used for the value of the slice, must be a numeric field
Description The pie command will output a pie chart according to the specified parameters
Syntax column <label_field> <value_field ...>
  • label_field: the field used for each column label
  • value_field: one or more field used for the values of the columns
Description The column command will output a histogram; for each label a group of columns is displayed with the value from the specified value_field(s). The variant column_colored_by_label returns bars of different colors depending on their labels.
Syntax history <count_field> <time_field>
  • count_field: the field used to draw the Y value
  • time_field: the field used to draw the X points of the time series
Description The history command will draw a chart representing an historic series of values
Syntax distance <id_field> <distance_field>
  • id_field: the field used to tag the resulting distances.
  • distance_field: the field on which distances are computed among entries.
Description The distance command calculates a series of distances (that is, differences) from the original series of distance_field. Each distance value is calculated as the difference between a value and its subsequent occurrence, and tagged using the id_field.

For example, assuming we're working with an id and a time field, entering alerts | distance id time returns a table where each distance entry is characterised by the from_id, to_id, and time_distance fields that represent time differences between the selected alerts.

Syntax bucket <field> <range>
  • field: the field on which the buckets are calculated
  • range: the range of tolerance in which values are grouped
Description The bucket command will group data in different buckets, different records will be put in the same bucket when the values fall in the same multiple of <range>
Syntax join <other_source> <field> <other_source_field>
  • other_source: the name of the other data source
  • field: the field of the original source used to match the object to join
  • other_source_field: the field of the other data source used to match the object to join
Description The join command will take two records and will join them in one record when <field> and <other_source_field> have the same value
Syntax gauge <field> [min] [max]
  • field: the value to draw
  • min: the minimum value to put on the gauge scale
  • max: the maximum value to put on the gauge scale
Description The gauge command will take a value and represent it in a graphical way
Syntax value <field>
  • field: the value to draw
Description The value command will take a value and represent it in a textual way
Syntax reduce <field> [sum|avg]
  • field: the field on which the reduction will be performed
  • sum or avg: the reduce operation to perform, it is sum if not specified
Description The reduce command will take a series of values and calculate a single value
Syntax size()
  • field: the field to calculate the size of
Description If the field is an array, then the size function returns the number of entries in the array. If the field contains a string, then the size function returns the number of characters in the string.

Note: The size function may only be used on the following data sources: alerts, assets, captured_files, links, nodes, packet_rules, sessions, stix_indicators, subnets, variables, yara_rules, zones, and zone_links.

Example: assets | where size(ip) > 1