Upload traces

The Upload traces page lets you upload trace files and select the options for the uploaded file.

Figure 1. Upload traces page

Upload traces page

Use trace timestamps

You can select this option to use the time captured in the trace file. Otherwise, the current time is used.

Important: We recommend not selecting this checkbox because it causes data to be hidden due to time filters.

Delete data before play

Select this option to delete the data in the sensor before you run the play action. When multiple traces are played at once, deletion is applied only before running the first trace.

Auto play trace after upload

Select this option to play the trace immediately after the upload is complete.

Replay speed

You can choose from the available options to customize the maximum throughput at which the packet capture (pcap) is played.

Upload field

You can click in the upload field, or drag a file into the upload field to upload a trace. The recommended formats are:

The maximum file size that you can upload is 2 gigabyte (GB).

Live / refresh

The Live icon lets you change live view on, or off. When live mode is on, the page will refresh approximately every five seconds.

Column selection

The columns selection icon lets you choose which columns to show or hide.


Last uploaded traces

Before you take an action, you can use this element to filter and sort the traces. You can select the text in the header to sort in ascending or descending order. You can then select the header again to toggle between the two.

Last played time

Before you take an action, you can use this element to filter and sort the traces. You can select the text in the header to sort in ascending or descending order. You can then select the header again to toggle between the two.