
The Status page of the local configuration UI shows the status of sensors, dependencies, and the execution of Arc.

Figure 1. Status page

Local configuration UI - Status page

Sensor information

Sensor ID: This shows the identifier (ID) of the selected sensor.

Version: This shows the version of Arc that has been deployed.

Required dependencies

This section shows a list of all the required dependencies for the selected sensor, and the installation status for each dependency.

Execution status

Service status:

  • Not installed
  • Stopped
  • Running
  • Unknown - in case of generic issues

Execution status:

  • Running, remaining time XXXX s - in case of One-shot or Offline executions
  • Running as service
  • Stopped

Connectivity status:

  • Not available - while not running
  • Disconnected - while in Offline mode
  • Sending - standard behavior, data goes upstream
  • Sending, Buffering - data is being sent and buffering is happening due to incoming data
  • Sending, Dropping - data is being sent and dropped because incoming data and buffering limits were reached
  • Disconnected (never connected) - network was absent before Arc could ever connect to the upstream
  • Buffering (never connected) - network was absent before Arc could ever connect to the upstream: buffering started due to incoming data
  • Dropping (never connected) - network was absent before Arc could ever connect to the upstream: dropping started due to reaching buffering limits
  • Disconnected (last connection at dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) - network was absent since the indicated time
  • Buffering (last connection at dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) - network was absent since the indicated time: buffering started due to incoming data
  • Dropping (last connection at dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) - network was absent since the indicated time: dropping started due to incoming data and buffering limits were reached
Execution mode: This shows a radio button for each of the three execution modes:
  • Service
  • One-shot
  • Offline
Run/Stop button: This button lets you:
  • Run the Arc process, if it is not currently running
  • Stop the Arc process, if it is currently running
Note: You can also stop the Arc process from the terminal with the command: CTRL+C.