Shell commands

A list of useful shell commands.

Table 1. Shell commands
Command Function Note
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe install Install Arc as an OS-service, ready to be started. On reboot Arc is automatically started. 1
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe start Start the Arc service.
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe stop Stop the Arc service.
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe restart Restart the Arc service.
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe uninstall Uninstall Arc. 1
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe version Return the Arc version.
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe status Return the Arc service status.
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe oneshot Start Arc in One-shot mode. 2
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe offline Start Arc in Offline mode.
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe Launch the local configuration user interface (UI).
.\arc-windows-amd64.exe install_dependencies Trigger the dependencies installation. 1
  1. Requires admin rights.
  2. When used as a command, the correct spelling is: oneshot.