Execution info(rmation)
The Execution Info section displays the status of Arc's sensors, execution modes, and network connectivity. It also provides details about service status, version, and execution controls.

This shows the version of Arc that has been deployed.
Execution status
Running, remaining time XXXX s
- in case of
One-shot or Offline executions
Running as service
Service status
Not installed
- in case of generic issues
Connectivity status
Not available
- while not running.
- while in Offline mode.
- standard behavior, data goes upstream.
Sending, Buffering
- data is being sent and buffering is happening
due to incoming data.
Sending, Dropping
- data is being sent and dropped because incoming
data and buffering limits were reached.
Disconnected (never connected)
- network was absent before Arc could
ever connect to the upstream.
Buffering (never connected)
- network was absent before Arc could
ever connect to the upstream: buffering started due to incoming data.
Dropping (never connected)
- network was absent before Arc could
ever connect to the upstream: dropping started due to reaching buffering limits.
Disconnected (last connection at dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss)
- network was
absent since the indicated time.
Buffering (last connection at dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss)
- network was
absent since the indicated time: buffering started due to incoming data.
Dropping (last connection at dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss)
- network was
absent since the indicated time: dropping started due to incoming data and buffering
limits were reached.
Actions button
This button lets you:
- Change the execution mode
- Run the Arc process, if it is not currently running
- Stop the Arc process, if it is currently running
For more details, see Execution modes.