
Links are protocol relations between two nodes with a specific protocol. They model the interaction between nodes.

from Client node of the link
to Server node of the link
is_from_public True if client node is not a local node but an outside, public internet protocol (IP).
is_to_public True if server node is not a local but an outside, public IP.
from_zone Zone of the client node of the link
to_zone Zone of the server node of the link
protocol The protocol in which this entity has been observed
first_activity_time Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when this a packet was sent on this link for the first time
last_activity_time Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when this a packet was sent on this link for the last time
last_handshake_time Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when the last transmission control protocol (TCP) handshake has occurred on this link
transport_protocols Set of transport protocols observed for this link Total amount of TCP handshaked connections
tcp_handshaked_connections.last_5m Amount of TCP handshaked connections in the last 5 minutes
tcp_handshaked_connections.last_15m Amount of TCP handshaked connections in the last 15 minutes
tcp_handshaked_connections.last_30m Amount of TCP handshaked connections in the last 30 minutes Total amount of bytes for TCP SYN packets
tcp_connection_attempts.last_5m Amount of TCP SYN packets in the last 5 minutes
tcp_connection_attempts.last_15m Amount of TCP SYN packets in the last 15 minutes
tcp_connection_attempts.last_30m Amount of TCP SYN packets in the last 30 minutes
transferred.packets Total number of packets transmitted
transferred.bytes Total number of bytes transmitted
transferred.last_5m_bytes Number of bytes transmitted in the last 5 minutes
transferred.last_15m_bytes Number of bytes transmitted in the last 15 minutes
transferred.last_30m_bytes Number of bytes transmitted in the last 30 minutes
transferred.smallest_packet_bytes Smallest packet size in bytes observed
transferred.biggest_packet_bytes Biggest packet size in bytes observed
transferred.avg_packet_bytes Average packet size in bytes observed
tcp_retransmission.percent Percentage of TCP packets that have been retransmitted
tcp_retransmission.packets Total number of TCP packets that have been retransmitted
tcp_retransmission.bytes Total amount of bytes for TCP packets that have been retransmitted
tcp_retransmission.last_5m_bytes Amount of bytes of TCP packets that have been retransmitted in the last 5 minutes
tcp_retransmission.last_15m_bytes Amount of bytes of TCP packets that have been retransmitted in the last 15 minutes
tcp_retransmission.last_30m_bytes Amount of bytes of TCP packets that have been retransmitted in the last 30 minutes
throughput_speed Live throughput for the entity
is_learned This is true for links that were observed during the learning phase
is_fully_learned This is true for links that were observed also during the learning phase and which properties are not changed since then
is_broadcast True if this is not a real node but a broadcast or multicast entry
has_confirmed_data True if data has been exchanged in both directions, or more genererically if the data is really flowing and is not a likely scan or alike
alerts The number of alerts being created around this link
last_trace_request_time Last time in epoch milliseconds that a trace has been asked on the link
active_checks List of active real-time checks on the entity
function_codes Set of function codes seen on this link
bpf_filter Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) filter for the entity, used when performing traces for this entity