
A list of alerts that Guardian raises.

id Primary key of this query source
type_id The Type identifier (ID) represents a unique "class" of the Alert, that characterizes what the Alert is about in a unique way
name Name of the type ID. It can be updated dynamically by the correlation engine.
description More details about the alert
severity Syslog-like severity
mac_src Source media access control (MAC) address
mac_dst Destination MAC address
ip_src Source internet protocol (IP) address
ip_dst Destination IP address
risk Risk, between 0 and 10
protocol The protocol in which this entity has been observed
src_roles Roles of the source node
dst_roles Roles of the target node
time Time when the first packet triggers the alert; for incidents, it is the time of the last correlated alert, which updates over time
ack True if the Alert has been acknowledged
id_src ID of the source node
id_dst ID of the destination node
synchronized True if this entity has been synchronized with the upper Central Management Console (CMC) or Vantage
zone_src Source zone
zone_dst Destination zone
appliance_id The id of the sensor where this entity has been observed
port_src Source port
port_dst Destination port
label_src Label of the source node
label_dst Label of the destination node
trigger_id ID of the triggering engine entity
trigger_type Name of the trigger/engine
appliance_host The hostname of the sensor where this entity has been observed
appliance_ip The IP address of the sensor where this entity has been observed
transport_protocol Name of the transport protocol (e.g. tcp/udp/icmp...)
is_security True if the alert is a Cybersecurity alert. False otherwise (e.g. a network monitoring one)
note User-defined note about the Alert
appliance_site Site name of the sensor where this alert has been generated
parents ID of parent incidents.
is_incident True if this Alert is an incident grouping more alerts
properties JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) with additional information for this alert
created_time Time when the alert record was created
incident_keys (Internal use)
bpf_filter Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) filter for the entity, used when performing traces for this entity
closed_time Time in epoch milliseconds when the alert has been closed. 0 if still open.
status Status of the alert
session_id ID of the Session during which this alert was raised
replicated This is true if the record has been replicated on the replica machine
capture_device Name of the interface from which this entity has been detected
threat_name In case of known threat, this holds the threat name
type_name Name of the type ID. It is immutable.
sec_profile_visible True if the alert is visible according to the Security Profile. For alerts that are part of incidents, the field value is set to True when at least one child alert has the field value equal to True.