
This query source contains information about the sensors connected to the current CMC or Guardian.

ip Last internet protocol (IP) address of the sensor
last_sync Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when the last full sync occurred
id Primary key of this query source
info JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) with miscellaneous information about the sensor
allowed True if the sensor is in allowed state, meaning that all its data will be pushed its upstream sensor
sync_throughput Amount of throughput used for synchronization purposes
is_updating True if the sensor is currently applying a software update
map_position (Internal use)
previous_alerts_count_last_5m (Internal use)
version_locked True if the sensor has been version locked
site Site name this sensor belongs to
host Host name of the sensor
time Timestamp in epoch milliseconds when this entity was created or updated
synchronized True if this entity has been synchronized with the upper Central Management Console (CMC) or Vantage
replicated This is true if the record has been replicated on the replica machine
deleted_at Time the entity was cancelled
health (Internal use)
appliance_id The id of the sensor where this entity has been observed
appliance_ip The IP address of the sensor where this entity has been observed
appliance_host The hostname of the sensor where this entity has been observed
force_update True if a force update has been issued to this sensor
model Model of the sensor
last_seen_packet Point in time in epoch milliseconds when a packet has been captured by the sensor
has_same_version_of_cmc (Internal use)
is_cmc True if the sensor is a CMC
is_guardian True if the sensor is a Guardian
is_remote_collector True if the sensor is a Remote Collector
has_smart_polling True if the Smart Polling is available