
View of Node Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE) grouped by CVE and asset.

asset_id The identifier (ID) of the vulnerable asset
cve Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID
cwe_id Vulnerability category ID
cwe_name Vulnerability category name
creation_time Timestamp for creation of the vulnerability
epss_score The EPSS score assigned to the CVE
id Primary key for this query source
is_kev Status of Known Exploited Vulnerability
latest_hotfix Latest and most complete hotfix to install to solve the related CVE (only relevant for Microsoft Windows assets)
likelihood Value between 0.1 and 1.0, where 1.0 represents the maximum likelihood that the CVE is present
matching_cpes List of Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)s that lead to assigning the vulnerability to this node
minimum_hotfix Minimum hotfix to install to solve the related CVE (only relevant for Microsoft Windows assets)
name Labels of the vulnerable nodes
nodes List of vulnerable nodes belonging to the same asset
references List of references to external websites providing extra information about the vulnerability
resolved Whether or not the vulnerability has been resolved by an installed patch (only relevant for Microsoft Windows assets)
score CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score assigned to this CVE
source Entity that provided the original information about the vulnerability
summary Description of the vulnerability
time Timestamp (in epoch milliseconds) at which the vulnerability has been found on the network node in the user's environment
update_time Timestamp for when this vulnerability was last updated