Do a software update from a shell console

You can do a software update from a shell console.

Before you begin

You have downloaded the applicable update bundle that you want to use for the update.


  1. Open a shell console.
  2. In the shell console, type cd and navigate to the directory where the .bundle file is located.
  3. To copy the .bundle file to the sensor, enter the command:
    scp VERSION-update.bundle admin@<sensor_ip>:/data/tmp
    You should refer to Release notes of the new version to follow the correct update path.
    The update bundle uploads.
  4. Enter the command:
    ssh admin@<sensor_ip>
  5. To go to privileged mode, enter this command:
    You can now perform system changes.
  6. To start the installation of the new software, enter the command:
    install_update /data/tmp/VERSION-update.bundle
    Make sure that you use the absolute path of the VERSION-update.bundle In the example above, the absolute path is /data/tmp/VERSION-update.bundle


The update process begins. The update may take several minutes to complete.