Host-based intrusion-detection system

The internal Host-based intrusion-detection system (HIDS) sensors detect changes to the basic firmware image and note the change.

When a change is detected in the sensor's basic firmware image, a new event is logged in the system's audit log. It is also replicated in Vantage or the Central Management Console (CMC).

You can change the default host-based intrusion-detection system (HIDS) settings to suit your security requirements.

This feature is not available in the container version due to the different security approach.
Figure 1. Host-based intrusion-detection system

Host-based intrusion-detection system

Table 1. Host-based intrusion-detection system
Parameter Default value Description
hids execution interval 18 hours HIDS check execution interval
hids ignore files - Coma separator list of files to be ignored by HIDS (ex: /etc/file1, /etc/file2)